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Amenity: All-Natural Products
The Huron Suite
This suite has two bedrooms and sleeps 4 people. There is a queen bed in each bedroom. This suite has been named after Huron county. It has cutlery and dishes for 4 people, a full fridge, stove, micro wave and air conditioning. It has a TV that sits on top of a functioning electric fireplace. This suite is located on the ground level.
The Maitland Suite
This suite has 2 bedrooms and sleeps six people. The first bedroom has a queen bed and the second bedroom has two double beds. This suite is named after River Maitland. It has tall ceilings and original hardwood floors, arched windows, and loads of natural light which makes this very large space great for families and larger groups. There is a full fridge, microwave, cutlery and dishes for six people, complimentary coffee and tea. There is a Roku TV above a functioning electric fireplace. This suite is on the main level and has air conditioning.
The McLaren Suite
This suite has 4 bedrooms and sleeps 8. Two of the bedrooms have a queen bed in each, and two bedrooms have double beds. It has cutlery and dishes for 8 people. This suite has been named after Mr. McLaren who with Mr. Smith built the buiding in 1892. The family of Mr. McLaren has lovingly donated and framed a piece of the family tartan which is on display in the suite. The McLaren has a full stove, microwave and mini fridge. This suite is located on the upper floor and has air conditioning.
The Morton Suite
This suite is a 2 bedroom that sleeps 6 people. The first bedroom has 2 queen beds and the second bedroom has a double bed. This suite has been named after the Morton family and is in honor of Bryan Morton, the visionary behind the Four Winds wedding barn. It has a kitchen with cutlery and dishes for 6 people as well as a microwave and mini fridge, It has floor to ceiling windows with a spectacular view of the barn, as well as vintage furniture and art collected by Bryan. This suite is located on upper floor and has air conditioning.
The DeWit Suite
This suite is a 4 bedroom and sleeps 10 people. The first bedroom has 2 double beds. The second bedroom has a queen bed. The third bedroom has a double bed. The fourth bedroom has a queen bed. This suite has a seaside feel to it. It has been named after the founder Jackie DeWit and is a great spot for families, children, and even a wedding party to get ready for their big day! This is a large suite approximately 1200 square feet with high ceilings and lots of natural light from the windows that face main street. There is a very large living and dining area with 2 tables, a full fridge/freezer, stove, microwave, cutlery and dishes for 10. This suite also has a playpen and high chair. This suite is located on the upper level.
The Smith Suite
This suite has 3 bedrooms and sleeps 6 people. Each bedroom has a queen bed. This suite has been named after the Smith family who built the building in 1892. It looks out to the main street, has loads of natural light, and high ceilings in the living area. It has dishes and cutlery for 6 people, full stove, full fridge and a microwave, as well as complimentary coffee, tea, creamer and sugar. This suite is located on the upper level.